Updated October 3, 2019 . AmFam Team
Emergency Roadside Service coverage helps pay for service and support when your car can’t make it to the shop. While we all wish for smooth travels, we encounter bumps in the road once in a while.
So, whether your car breaks down, you run out of gas or lock your keys in the car — our emergency roadside assistance helps get you back on the road. Let’s take a look at how it may help you.
What exactly do you get with emergency roadside assistance from American Family Insurance? The following services are included in your plan:
Easy towing. One call to 1-800-MYAMFAM and you may have a tow truck at your disposal to take your vehicle to the nearest shop to get the repairs it needs.
Battery jump. Do you always forget which clamp goes on the positive and negative terminals when jumping a battery? With emergency roadside assistance — our experts may help take care of it.
Tire servicing. Our professionals help patch or change your tire to get you rolling again. While the cost of the tire and patch aren’t covered, their expertise and labor are.
Deliver gas and oil. We may help deliver gas or oil to you if you happen to run out while on the road. Although emergency roadside assistance will not pay for fuel or oil, they may bring it to you so you can get moving again.
Dependable locksmiths. No matter how you get locked out, with emergency roadside assistance, a trusted locksmith may help you get back in. However, the service doesn’t include the cost of replacing your locks or keys, if required.
Roadside repairs. A knowledgeable mechanic may meet you wherever your car breaks down and provide up to one hour of labor to get your vehicle up and running again.
Emergency Roadside Service coverage is a cost-efficient add-on to your existing American Family Insurance auto policy. Its annual price is comparable to a dinner out for two.
Each service it helps provide could cost you more than the yearly price of this add-on policy, so it pays to be proactive. In addition to the financial savings, this peace of mind coverage helps deliver 24/7 assistance when you need it.
If you’d like to learn more about emergency roadside assistance, connect with your American Family Insurance agent. We’re here to help.
This information represents only a brief description of coverages, is not part of your policy, and is not a promise or guarantee of coverage. If there is any conflict between this information and your policy, the provisions of the policy will prevail. Insurance policy terms and conditions may apply. Exclusions may apply to policies, endorsements, or riders. Coverage may vary by state and may be subject to change. Some products are not available in every state. Please read your policy and contact your agent for assistance.
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