a man shaking hands with a couple

Flexible Life Insurance

  • Long-term, flexible life insurance 
  • Coverage that can change as your life evolves

More About Flexible Life


What is DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance? 

DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance is an adjustable policy. It lets you change your premium and coverage amount to fit your life insurance needs. It also features living benefits such as cash value accumulation.

Did you know?

Our life insurance calculator can help you compare policies and determine the coverage amount that best fits your needs.
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Benefits of Flexible Life Insurance 

Adjustable life insurance can provide long-term, flexible protection that builds cash value. It can change as your life changes, giving you more control over your policy. Here are some ways our DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance can help you meet your long-term goals. 
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Builds Cash Value   

If you decide to keep your policy's original coverage amount, you can maximize its coverage and cash value over time. 
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Adaptable Coverage  

Let’s say you needed more from your life insurance when your family depended on your income. Now, you're retired, and your kids are financially independent.

The policy's paid-up insurance option lets you reduce your coverage when your life insurance needs decrease. By electing this option, no further premiums are due.*

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More Coverage When You Need It 

You're a new graduate and plan to marry in the next few years. While you've opted for a lower coverage amount now, you'll need more after you start your family.

Adding the Guaranteed Purchase Option Benefit Rider allows you to buy more life insurance at specified ages and life events without medical questions or an exam.**

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Add Coverage on Your Children 

Buying the Children’s Insurance Rider provides $15,000 of term life coverage on eligible children. The premium is the same, regardless of how many children you have, and coverage can be converted to an eligible long-term policy. 
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Keep Your Policy Through Injury or Illness 

For another layer of protection, consider buying the Waiver of Monthly Deductions for Disability Rider. It waives certain monthly deductions if you become totally disabled. 
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Frequently Asked Questions

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